3M™ 5S Tape System

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Hello, Steve Bannister with CW Hayden. I would like to introduce you all to a great starter kit for introducing 5S into your facility or enhancing your system if you already utilize 5S in your facilities. There’s a variety of different applications, depending on the color code, you need for a certain area of concern. Whether it's lane marking, fire safety, fire extinguishers and a variety of other applications contained right here in one box so you can evaluate the product, get it in practical use and make sure it's a good fit for you. This particular kit is available from us at CW Hayden. Give us a call and we can help you out with price and lead-time on these to get you started or enhance the 5S programs in your facilities.

What Is 5S?

5S is a structured program to implement workplace organization and standardization. 5S represents five disciplines of maintaining a visual workspace. That's what this kit is going to help you do, very easily, you may not use every color here in this particular starter kit but there are a variety of choices that you can utilize here in your facility.



What Are The 5 S's

  1. Sort: you want to remove what is not needed and keep what is needed.
  2. Straighten: arrange these essential items in order for easy access. From the most utilized to the least utilized, top-to-bottom, you know how your company operates and how to fit everything into the proper standardization operation to keep your day going.
  3. Shine: keep things clean, tidy, no trash. These tapes can be a visual aid that helps you to know that if there's something lying on the floor you can pick it up and throw it away. It really does assist in keeping you safer and much cleaner.
  4. Standardization: establish standards and guidelines to maintain a clean workspace. This will make things run much smoother, especially when you can get from point A to point B without walking in a zigzag.
  5. Sustain: make 5S a habit. Train others on how to use the 5S system or maintain the established 5S protocols that you have for your company.

What Are The Benefits Of Using The 5S System

It makes your workplace more pleasant, it improves work efficiency, it improves safety, it goes hand-in-hand with the marking of all of these areas of concern, walkways, things like that. It leads to better customer satisfaction and higher productivity. When you have your customers in your facility or you're having visitors or your everyday worker's are much more likely to stay engaged in the program and maintain the 5S once it's implemented.

What's In The Starter Kit?

Product number 971 is a fairly new product, highly engineered for lane marking from 3M. It is extremely durable and very easy to apply and it lasts forever. It actually has a bevel, on and off, for traffic of forklifts and handtrucks, two-wheelers, anything that you have in your shipping areas that you might need to get on and off or even over the area, which is very unique to lane marking. Another unique characteristic of the 3M™ 971 lane marking tape is it has a polylactic acid backing. The key ingredient to the 971 adhesives system is an environmentally conscious plant-based material versus a traditional petroleum-based product when making the vinyl tapes. The backing is very thick and provides top-tier durability and you use less fossil fuel so a lot of facilities are very conscious of these products that are using less fossil fuel, it’s a really great benefit and this is one of those. So please give us a shout and let us know if you have any interest in these and we can get you some samples.

All right, now for the meat of the starter packs. These are all 3M™ 471 vinyl tapes. They are extremely versatile, they've been in the 3M™ product line for a long, long time and they come in extremely vibrant colors that don't fade. You can abraid them, roll over them numerous times and they won't discolor or fade away on you. They may wear out if you are running them over with a forklift, however if it's clean and dry when you are putting them down they will last.

Tape Color Suggestions

  • Yellow: is typically used for isles, walk-ways, traffic lanes, work cells and areas that are very abundant in most workplaces and around the shop.
  • Orange: is typically used for material inspection. It helps you get better organized and stay safer and cleaner. Whenever you mark these areas off it's much easier to keep it maintained especially in getting all the dirt out of the way and keeping a clean workspace.
  • Red: is safety of course, defects, scrap, red tag areas and wherever you don't want your workers to be or there's a cause for concern is typically marked by a red tape.
  • Green: is usually for finished goods, already wrapped and ready to hit the back of the truck and get out of the building.
  • Blues: are your raw materials, pre-manufacturing storage areas, that type of thing.
  • Blacks: are materials and processes where you know you need to keep it moving through the line and get your finished product out the door.
  • Black and Yellow: areas are usually potential high-risk areas where you need extra caution or your employees need to know only certain employees can be in that area or that it's an area of caution and you have that marked off properly.
  • Black and White: can be used for products that need to be taken out of the operational process. Did you find a defect? This can be the holding area until it can be rectified or looked at again.

Very versatile box, a lot of opportunity to help get your facilities organized, cleaned, and more safe.

Please call us here at CW Hayden. These starter packs are available. There are videos on YouTube to see how the tape should be applied from a 3M™ perspective. And of course you can get any one of these products individually. Call us for pricing availability. We are here to help you out. Thanks!

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