How To Correctly Apply Compound To A Polishing Pad

C.W. Hayden Co. How To Series

Step 1:

Priming a pad saves you a lot of sling from a product, dry buffing, burning and so forth. The easiest way to do it is to apply compound to a fresh pad, using a few lines to start with.


Step 2:

Coming out from the center, take your tool and spread it around.


Step 3:

Set your machine to two and lightly hold the machine on the surface. Hold it in the same spot and allow it to spread the material out so you get an even start. If it's not evenly distributed then you can put a little more on and go through the same process.


Step 4:

Once it's primed, only use one pea-size dot of compound on each side of the hole.


Step 5:

Now you are ready to buff!

Click here to watch the full video demonstration.